
A full list of my publications can be downloaded here. My publications can also be found on Google Scholar and the arXiv.

Review Articles

  • The tangled state of quantum hypothesis testing
    [Nature Physics (2024), DOI, open access]
    with Fernando G.S.L. Brandão et al.
  • Algorithmen für neue Hardware (in German)
    [DPG Physik Journal (2023), DOI, open access]
  • Quantum algorithms: A survey of applications and end-to-end complexities
    [Preprint (2023), arXiv]
    with Alexander M. Dalzell et al.
  • Advances in quantum cryptography
    [Advances in Optics and Photonics (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    with Stefano Pirandola et al.
  • Entropic uncertainty relations and their applications
    [Reviews of Modern Physics (2017), DOI, arXiv]
    with Patrick J. Coles, Marco Tomamichel, and Stephanie Wehner

Quantum Algorithms

  • Polynomial time quantum Gibbs sampling for Fermi-Hubbard model at any temperature
    [Preprint (2025), arXiv]
    with Štěpán Šmíd, Richard Meister, and Roberto Bondesan
  • Quantum computational complexity of matrix functions
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Santiago Cifuentes, Samson Wang, Thais L. Silva, and Leandro Aolita
  • Calculating response functions of coupled oscillators using quantum phase estimation
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Sven Danz, Stefan Schröder, Pascal Kienast, Frank K. Wilhelm, and Alessandro Ciani
  • Sparse random Hamiltonians are quantumly easy
    [Physical Review X (2024), DOI (open access)]
    with Chi-Fang Chen, Alexander M. Dalzell, Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, and Joel A. Tropp
  • Qubit-efficient randomized quantum algorithms for linear algebra
    [PRX Quantum (2024), DOI (open access)]
    with Samson Wang and Sam McArdle
  • End-to-end resource analysis for quantum interior point methods and portfolio optimization
    [PRX Quantum (2023), DOI (open access)]
    with Alexander M. Dalzell et al.
  • Quantum state preparation without coherent arithmetic
    [Preprint (2022), arXiv]
    with Sam McArdle and András Gilyén
  • A streamlined quantum algorithm for topological data analysis with exponentially fewer qubits
    [Preprint (2022), arXiv]
    with Sam McArdle and András Gilyén
  • Randomized quantum algorithm for statistical phase estimation
    [Physical Review Letters (2022), DOI, arXiv]
    with Kianna Wan and Earl T. Campbell
  • Quantum resources required to block-encode a matrix of classical data
    [IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering (2022), DOI, arXiv]
    with B. David Clader, Alexander M. Dalzell, Nikitas Stamatopoulos, Grant Salton, and William J. Zeng

Shannon Information Theory

  • Quantum channel coding: Approximation algorithms and strong converse exponents
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Aadil Oufkir
  • Strong converse exponent of quantum dichotomies
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Yongsheng Yao
  • Exponents for classical-quantum channel simulation in purified distance
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Aadil Oufkir and Yongsheng Yao
  • Distributed quantum hypothesis testing under zero-rate communication constraints
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Sreejith Sreekumar, Christoph Hirche, and Hao-Chung Cheng
  • Exponents for shared randomness-assisted channel simulation
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Aadil Oufkir, Michael X. Cao, and Hao-Chung Cheng
  • Error exponent of activated non-signaling assisted classical-quantum channel coding
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Aadil Oufkir and Marco Tomamichel
  • One-shot multiple access channel simulation
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2024), DOI, open access]
    with Aditya Nema and Sreejith Sreekumar
  • Optimality of meta-converse for channel simulation
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2024), DOI, open access]
    with Omar Fawzi and Aadil Oufkir
  • Quantum broadcast channel simulation via multipartite convex splitting
    [Preprint (2023), arXiv]
    with Hao-Chung Cheng and Li Gao
  • On a gap in the proof of the generalised quantum Stein’s lemma and its consequences for the reversibility of quantum resources
    [Quantum (2023), DOI (open access)]
    with Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Gilad Gour, Ludovico Lami, Martin B. Plenio, Bartosz Regula, and Marco Tomamichel
  • Channel simulation: Finite blocklengths and broadcast channels
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2024), DOI, arXiv]
    with Michael X. Cao, Navneeth Ramakrishnan, and Marco Tomamichel
  • Broadcast channel simulation
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2023), DOI, open access]
    with Michael X. Cao, Navneeth Ramakrishnan, and Marco Tomamichel
  • One-shot point-to-point channel simulation
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2022), DOI, open access]
    with Michael X. Cao, Navneeth Ramakrishnan, and Marco Tomamichel
  • Moderate deviation expansion for fully quantum tasks
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2023), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE Information Theory Workshop (2021), DOI, open access]
    with Navneeth Ramakrishnan and Marco Tomamichel
  • On composite quantum hypothesis testing
    [Communications in Mathematical Physics (2021), DOI (open access)]
    with Fernando G. S. L. Brandão and Christoph Hirche
  • Resource distillation in convex Gaussian resource theories
    [Physical Review A (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    with Hyejung H. Jee and Carlo Sparaciari
  • Non-additivity in classical-quantum wiretap channels
    [IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory (2020), DOI, open access]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    with Arkin Tikku and Joseph M. Renes
  • Computing quantum channel capacities
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    with Navneeth Ramakrishnan, Raban Iten, and Volkher B. Scholz
  • Quantum coding via semidefinite programming
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2019), DOI, open access]
    with Francesco Borderi, Omar Fawzi, Volkher B. Scholz
  • Stein’s lemma for classical-quantum channels
    [Letters in Mathematical Physics (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2019), DOI, open access]
    with Mark M. Wilde, Christoph Hirche, Eneet Kaur
  • Quantum channel simulation and the channel’s smooth max-information
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2018), DOI, open access]
    with Kun Fang, Xin Wang, and Marco Tomamichel
  • Strong converse bound on the two-way assisted quantum capacity
    [New Journal of Physics (2018), DOIarXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2018), DOI, open access]
    with Mark. M. Wilde
  • Gaussian hypothesis testing and quantum illumination
    [Physical Review Letters (2017), DOIarXiv]
    with Mark M. Wilde, Marco Tomamichel, and Seth Lloyd
  • Entanglement-assisted capacities of compound quantum channels
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2017), DOI, arXiv]
    with Hrant Gharibyan and Michael Walter
  • A meta-converse for private communication over quantum channels
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2017), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2017), DOI, open access]
    with Mark M. Wilde and Marco Tomamichel
  • Quantum coding with finite resources
    [Nature Communications (2016), DOI (open access)]
    with Marco Tomamichel and Joseph M. Renes
  • Smooth entropy bounds on one-shot quantum state redistribution
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2016), DOI, arXiv]
    with Matthias Christandl and Dave Touchette
  • Identifying the information gain of a quantum measurement
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2014), DOIarXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2014), DOI, open access]
    with Joseph M. Renes and Mark M. Wilde
  • Entanglement cost of quantum channels
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2013), DOIarXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2012), DOI, open access]
    with Fernando Brandão, Matthias Christandl, and Stephanie Wehner
  • The quantum reverse Shannon theorem based on one-shot information theory
    [Communications in Mathematical Physics (2011), DOI (open access)]
    [Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (2010), DOI, open access]
    with Matthias Christandl and Renato Renner

Quantum Entropy

  • Continuity of entropies via integral representations
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2025), DOI, arXiv]
    with Ludovico Lami and Marco Tomamichel
  • Limit distribution theory for quantum divergences
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2025), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2024), DOI, open access]
    with Sreejith Sreekumar
  • Asymptotic quantification of entanglement with a single copy
    [Preprint (2024), arXiv]
    with Ludovico Lami and Bartosz Regula
  • Locally measured Rényi divergences
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2024), DOI, arXiv]
    with Tobias Rippchen and Sreejith Sreekumar
  • Entanglement monogamy via multivariate trace inequalities
    [Communications in Mathematical Physics (2024), DOI (open access)]
    with Marco Tomamichel
  • A third information-theoretic approach to finite de Finetti theorems
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2024), DOI, arXiv]
    with Lampros Gavalakis and Ioannis Kontoyiannis
  • Chain rules for quantum channels
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2022), DOI, arXiv]
    with Marco Tomamichel
  • A minimax approach to one-shot entropy inequalities
    [Journal of Mathematical Physics (2019), DOI, arXiv]
    with Anurag Anshu, Rahul Jain, and Marco Tomamichel
  • Partially smoothed information measures
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2020), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2019), DOI, open access]
    with Anurag Anshu, Rahul Jain, and Marco Tomamichel
  • Disentanglement cost of quantum states
    [Physical Review Letters (2018), DOIarXiv]
    with Christian Majenz
  • Conditional decoupling of quantum information
    [Physical Review Letters (2018), DOI, arXiv]
    with Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Christian Majenz, and Mark M. Wilde
  • Deconstruction and conditional erasure of quantum correlations
    [Physical Review A (2018), DOIarXiv]
    with Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Christian Majenz, and Mark M. Wilde
  • On variational expressions for quantum relative entropies
    [Letters in Mathematical Physics (2017), DOIarXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2016), DOI, open access]
    with Omar Fawzi and Marco Tomamichel
  • Catalytic decoupling of quantum information
    [Physical Review Letters (2017), DOIarXiv]
    with Christian Majenz, Frédéric Dupuis, Renato Renner, and Matthias Christandl
  • Quantum Markov chains and logarithmic trace inequalities
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2017), DOI, open access]
    with David Sutter and Marco Tomamichel
  • Multivariate trace inequalities
    [Communications in Mathematical Physics (2016), DOI (open access)]
    with David Sutter and Marco Tomamichel
  • Entropic uncertainty and measurement reversibility
    [New Journal of Physics (2016), DOI (open access)]
    with Stephanie Wehner and Mark M. Wilde
  • The fidelity of recovery is multiplicative
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2016), DOI, arXiv]
    with Marco Tomamichel
  • Monotonicity of quantum relative entropy and recoverability
    [Quantum Information and Computation (2015), URLarXiv]
    with Marius Lemm and Mark M. Wilde
  • Rényi generalizations of quantum information measures
    [Journal of Mathematical Physics (2015), DOI, arXiv]
    [Physical Review A (2015), DOI, arXiv]
    [Journal of Physics A (2015), DOI, arXiv]
    with Kaushik P. Seshadreesan and Mark M. Wilde
  • Relating different quantum generalizations of the conditional Rényi entropy
    [Journal of Mathematical Physics (2014), DOI, arXiv]
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2014), DOI, open access]
    with Marco Tomamichel and Masahito Hayashi
  • One-shot decoupling
    [Communications in Mathematical Physics (2014), DOI (open access)]
    with Frédéric Dupuis, Jürg Wullschleger, and Renato Renner
  • An equality between entanglement and uncertainty
    [Physical Review A (2014), DOI, arXiv]
    with Patrick J. Coles and Stephanie Wehner
  • The uncertainty principle in the presence of quantum memory
    [Nature Physics (2010), DOI, arXiv]
    with Matthias Christandl, Roger Colbeck, Joseph M. Renes, and Renato Renner

Quantum Cryptography

  • Practical randomness and privacy amplification
    [Quantum (2023), DOI, arXiv]
    with Cameron Foreman, Sherilyn Wright, Alec Edgington, and Florian J. Curchod
  • Robust randomness generation on quantum computers
    [Preprint (2021), available online]
    with Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
  • Semidefinite programs for randomness extractors
    [Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (2015), DOI (Open Access)]
    with Omar Fawzi and Volkher B. Scholz
  • Variations on classical and quantum extractors
    [IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (2014), DOI, arXiv]
    with Omar Fawzi, Volkher B. Scholz, and Oleg Szehr
  • Quantum to classical randomness extractors
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2014), DOI, arXiv]
    [Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO (2012), DOI, open access]
    with Omar Fawzi and Stephanie Wehner
  • Continuous variable quantum key distribution: finite-key analysis of composable security against coherent attacks
    [Physical Review Letters (2012), DOI, arXiv]
    [Physical Review Letters (E) (2014), DOI, open access]
    with Fabian Furrer, Torsten Franz, Anthony Leverrier, Volkher B. Scholz, Marco Tomamichel, and Reinhard F. Werner
  • A min-entropy uncertainty relation for finite size cryptography
    [Physical Review A (2012), DOI, arXiv]
    with Nelly Huei Ying Ng and Stephanie Wehner

Quantum Information & Operator Algebras

  • Semidefinite programming hierarchies for constrained bilinear optimization
    [Mathematical Programming (2021), DOI (open access)]
    with Francesco Border, Omar Fawzi, and Volkher B. Scholz
  • Quantum bilinear optimization
    [SIAM Journal on Optimization (2016), DOIarXiv]
    with Omar Fawzi and Volkher B. Scholz
  • Rényi divergences as weighted non-commutative vector valued Lp-spaces
    [Annales Henri Poincaré (2018), DOIarXiv]
    with Volkher B. Scholz and Marco Tomamichel
  • Quantum-proof randomness extractors via operator space theory
    [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2016), DOIarXiv]
    with Omar Fawzi and Volkher B. Scholz
  • The smooth entropy formalism for von Neumann algebras
    [Journal of Mathematical Physics, Special Issue: Operator Algebras and Quantum Information Theory (2016), DOI, arXiv]
    with Fabian Furrer and Volkher B. Scholz
  • Position-momentum uncertainty relations in the presence of quantum memory
    [Journal of Mathematical Physics (2014), DOI, arXiv]
    with Fabian Furrer, Marco Tomamichel, Volkher B. Scholz, and Matthias Christandl

Quantum Many Body Physics

  • Thermodynamic implementations of quantum processes
    [Communications in Mathematical Physics (2021), DOI (open access)]
    with Philippe Faist and Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
  • Thermodynamic capacity of quantum processes
    [Physical Review Letters (2019), DOI, arXiv]
    with Philippe Faist and Fernando G. S. L. Brandão
  • Thermal states as convex combinations of matrix product states
    [Physical Review B (2018), DOI, arXiv]
    with Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Jutho Haegeman, Volkher B. Scholz, and Frank Verstraete 

My PhD thesis “Quantum side information: uncertainty relations, extractors, channel simulations” (2013) is available on the arXiv and my Diploma thesis “Single-shot quantum state merging” (2008) as well. In case any open access version is missing please email me.