I am a Professor of Physics at the Institute for Quantum Information RWTH Aachen University. I hold an honorary position as a Visiting Reader at the Department of Computing Imperial College London.
Previously, I was a Senior Research Scientist at the Amazon Web Services Center for Quantum Computing and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter Caltech. I obtained my PhD degree from the Institute for Theoretical Physics at ETH Zurich.
The research in our group at RWTH Aachen is on mathematical questions in quantum information science, focusing on quantum communication theory, theoretical quantum cryptography, and the theory of quantum algorithms.
- PhD and postdoc positions in Quantum Information Theory at RWTH Aachen, as part of the ERC Starting Grant Entropy for Quantum Information Science (QEntropy). Open call without closing date. If interested, please send me your CV, transcripts, a few sentences of motivation, as well as a scientific document you wrote. I will get back to you for an interview in case I see a potentially good fit.
- Information theory: We are pleased that our submissions
Asymptotic quantification of entanglement with a single copy
Continuity of entropies via integral representations
Channel Simulation: Tight meta converse for error and strong converse exponents
were accepted for presentation (talk) at QIP 2025. - Algorithms: Polynomial time quantum Gibbs sampling for Fermi-Hubbard model at any temperature
- Algorithms: Quantum computational complexity of matrix functions
- Review article: Quantum algorithms: A survey of applications and end-to-end complexities
- Popular article: Algorithmen für neue Hardware (in German) [open access]
We acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC), the Cluster of Excellence Matter and Light for Quantum Computing (ML4Q), the RWTH Exploratory Research Space (ERS), and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).